"Why some auditors thrive while others struggle: The effects of multiple team membership on audit quality”
Balancing your performance across engagement teams
FAR Masterclass on 6 February 2019, 2-5 p.m. at Nyenrode Business Universiteit in Breukelen by Reggy Hooghiemstra (Professor at the University of Groningen) and Dennis Veltrop (Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen).
What was this masterclass about?
Working in multiple engagement teams is at the heart of how auditing firms organize their work. As such, in carrying out their audit work, individual auditors are generally members of more than one engagement team at the same time (i.e., occupy multiple team memberships, or MTMs). In this masterclass members of one of the FAR Research Teams shared their scientific insights on ‘how, why and when MTM impact auditor performance’. During the masterclass, it did not only become clear that working in MTMs may be a double-edged sword, but most importantly why some auditors are likely to thrive while others struggle in dealing with the pressures from MTMs. Based on their insights and interactive (table group) discussions, we aimed for a mutually informative exchange between auditing practice and research on this topic.
The FAR Masterclass was of interest to audit practitioners and firm management, auditing standard setters, audit supervisors, auditing students, auditing teachers and audit scientists. The masterclass was open to everyone working in the field of accountancy.
To read the full report on this masterclass, click here
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6 February 2019 -
Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Straatweg 25, Breukelen
The event has ended
About the speakers
Dr. Dennis Veltrop
Dennis Veltrop is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen and holds a position as an economist at the research department at De Nederlandsche Bank. He is also co-founder of BoardResearch.org. His research focuses on corporate governance and board behavior in particular. His papers have appeared in corporate governance and management journals (e.g., Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, CorporateGovernance).
Prof. dr. Reggy Hooghiemstra
Reggy Hooghiemstra is a professor at the University of Groningen. He has published on a wide variety of topics including board processes, corporate governance, the role of culture in auditing and accounting, and impression management. His papers have appeared in both management (e.g., Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics) and accounting journals (e.g., Auditing: Journal of Practice and Theory, European Accounting Review).