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On Friday 10 June from 15.30 - 16.30 hrs, FAR will organize an online FAR Young Auditing Academic Brown Bag Seminar by Christian Friedrich (Technische Universität Darmstadt).

He will present the paper titled “Audit Firm Technology and Financial Statement Audits” (15-20 minutes). This research paper will then be discussed (10 minutes) by Ulrike Thuerheimer (UvA, Universiteit van Amsterdam). The session will end with an extensive Q&A part (35 minutes). 

Working with proprietary data comes with its own challenges and junior researchers can learn from each other in dealing with these.

The seminar is by invitation only, junior faculty and young academics can reach out to FAR to apply for an invitation (

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FAR Young Academic Brown Bag Seminar
  • Date:
    10 June 2022

The event has ended


About the speakers

Christian Friedrich PhD student

Christian Friedrich PhD student