This Brownbag seminar has ended.
On Friday 24 November from 15.30 - 16.30 hrs, FAR will organize a FAR Young Auditing Academic Brown Bag Seminar with Jonas Vandennieuwenhuysen (University of Antwerp).
He will present his paper The auditor selection process: from tender to relationship management from research project 2020B01(15-20 minutes). This research paper will then be discussed by Dominic Detzen of VU Amsterdam (10 minutes). The session will end with an extensive Q&A part (35 minutes).
The seminar is by invitation only, junior faculty and young academics can reach out to FAR to apply for an invitation (
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24 November 2023 -
Online - invitation only
The event has ended
About the speakers

Jonas Vandennieuwenhuysen PhD student
PhD candidate at the Departement Accountancy en Financiering at the University of Antwerp.