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Newsletter January 2021

Newsletter January 2021

29 Jan, 2021

In this newsletter: • Online FAR Masterclass by Prof. dr. Ann Vanstraelen on "The drivers and impact of audit committee involvement on audit quality", on 5 March 2021 • Recording of the online FAR Masterclass by Prof. dr. Mark Peecher (4 December 2020) available • FARview podcast #12 with Prof. dr. Mark Peecher • Presentation working paper of the 2016B05 project by Professor Hardies at AMY (2021 Auditing Section Virtual Midyear Meeting, organized by the American Accounting Association) • SSRN Top 10 ranking • Round Table discussion on Audit Quality Indicators • Upcoming events – save the dates!

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FARview #12 with professor Mark Peecher

FARview #12 with professor Mark Peecher

21 Jan, 2021

In the 12th episode of FARview we speak to Prof. Mark Peecher (Gies College of Business - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) following his Masterclass on "Assessing and addressing fraud risk based on earnings calls".

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Call for Research Assistants

Call for Research Assistants

18 Dec, 2020

Next to private data which is mainly collected by the liaised audit firms of FAR, most research projects ask for public data from Annual reports, registers and databases. To assist the firms in this operation, FAR works with a team of research assistants.

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Newsletter December 2020

Newsletter December 2020

18 Dec, 2020

In this newsletter: • Latest publications: 2 FAR Working Papers by Kris Hardies, Ann Vanstraelen, Sanne Janssen and Karla Zehms on professional skepticism • Online FAR Masterclass by Prof. dr. Jeroen Suijs on “Does the private owner-managed firm audit market serve a different purpose?" on 22 January 2021 • Key take-aways online FAR Masterclass on 4 December 2020 by Professor Mark Peecher on "Assessing and addressing fraud risk based on earnings calls: effects of focusing auditors on fraud vs. management's dissonance" • Recording of the online Masterclass by Professor Jasmijn Bol available • FARview podcast #11 with Professor Jasmijn Bol (Dutch) • Key take-aways online FAR Masterclass and podcast Professor Jasmijn Bol on "The effect of audit culture on audit quality" • Round Table discussion on Audit Quality Indicators • Upcoming events – save the dates! • Other

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FARview #11 with professor Jasmijn Bol (podcast in Dutch)

FARview #11 with professor Jasmijn Bol (podcast in Dutch)

11 Dec, 2020

In the 11th episode of FARview, our guest is professor Jasmijn Bol of Tulane university. On October 16th, she gave a Masterclass on the topic of audit culture and its effects on audit quality. In this podcast episode we follow up on this masterclass with an in-depth discussion.

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Newsletter November 2020

Newsletter November 2020

24 Nov, 2020

In this newsletter: • Latest publication: FAR Practice Note about "Internal control quality and audit quality: the rol of financial analysts" by Prof. dr. C. Hofmann is now available • Online FAR Masterclass on 4 December 2020 by Professor Mark Peecher on “Assessing & Addressing Fraud Risk Based on Earnings Calls” • FAR Young Professionals – Young Academics Brown Bag Seminar on 13 November 2020 • FAR today and tomorrow • Upcoming events – save the date!

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