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FAR Young Professional – Young Academics Brown Bag Seminar

FAR Young Professional – Young Academics Brown Bag Seminar

20 Nov, 2020

The Foundation for Auditing Research currently co-finances 17 PhD positions to facilitate rigorous academic research with practical relevance in the auditing field by talented young academics. Several of these PhD candidates recently started with their research projects. On Friday 13 November 2020, 22 young professionals and young academics met in an online brown bag seminar to give input on the research ideas of several PhD candidates.

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FARview #10 with dr. Sanne Janssen (podcast in Dutch)

FARview #10 with dr. Sanne Janssen (podcast in Dutch)

30 Oct, 2020

On Friday, September 25, Dr. Sanne Janssen successfully defended her dissertation entitled: ‘The Ins and Outs of Professional Skepticism - Insights into the Effects of Professional Skepticism Traits on the Inputs, Process, and Outputs of the Audit’ .

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Newsletter October 2020

Newsletter October 2020

30 Oct, 2020

In this newsletter: • Online FAR Masterclass on 4 December 2020 by Professor Mark Peecher on “Improving audit quality by enhancing auditor’s detection of markers of management deception” • Key take-aways online FAR Masterclass by Professor Jasmijn Bol on "The effect of audit culture on audit quality" – 16 October 2020 • FAR Conference editorial including Q&A on ‘Economic consequences of joint audits’ by Prof. dr. A. Schatt • FAR celebrates 5 years anniversary! • PhD defence Sanne Janssen on “The ins and outs of professional skepticism. Insights into the effect of professional skepticism traits on the inputs, process, and outputs of the audit”. • Upcoming events – save the date!

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Verdediging proefschrift Sanne Janssen over 'The Ins and Outs of Professional Skepticism'.

Verdediging proefschrift Sanne Janssen over 'The Ins and Outs of Professional Skepticism'.

23 Oct, 2020

Op vrijdag 25 september verdedigde Sanne Janssen met succes haar proefschrift getiteld ‘The Ins and Outs of Professional Skepticism - Insights into the Effects of Professional Skepticism Traits on the Inputs, Process, and Outputs of the Audit’.

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Accountantskosten small caps zijn niet verdubbeld

Accountantskosten small caps zijn niet verdubbeld

28 Sep, 2020

Afgelopen vrijdag, 25 september, deed het FD kond van een onderzoek verricht door belangenbehartiger MidcapNL waarin deze organisatie spreekt over een stijging van de accountantskosten voor het controleren van de jaarrekening sinds 2014 van maar liefst 129,6 procent. Dit ligt volgens MidcapNL aan een gebrek aan concurrentie en keuze tussen de OOB-accountantskantoren. Er kan een aantal opmerkingen worden gemaakt bij deze cijfers.

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FARview #9 with Prof. Wim Gijselaers

FARview #9 with Prof. Wim Gijselaers

25 Sep, 2020

Our guest for the ninth episode of FARview is professor Wim Gijselaers. Gijselaers is professor of educational research at the School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University.

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