1st Annual Report of the Foundation for Auditing Research
27 Jul, 2017
We proudly present you FAR’s 1st annual report with an extended financial year from 20 October 2015 till 31 December 2016. Since FAR has been founded we have been busy setting up a strong research platform for our sector.
Reflections on the 2nd International FAR Conference 2017
27 Jul, 2017
On 7 and 8 June the 2nd International FAR Conference took place which offered science and practice a platform to interact with each other on the topic ‘Controversies in Future Audit Quality – A multi-stakeholder perspective’. With a Minister of Finance issuing a
Call for Research Project Proposals 2018
23 Dec, 2016
We are proud to issue FAR’s 3rd Call for Research Proposals (2018). Based on further developments of our research agenda and strategy, we would like to invite multidisciplinary research groups in accounting and auditing to submit a written proposal to the scientific.
Henriëtte Prast appointed as chair of the board of the Foundation for Auditing Research
08 Apr, 2016
The Dutch Foundation for Auditing Research (FAR) announces the appointment of Prof.dr. H.M. Prast as the chair of its board. With that, the FAR completes the formation of its board and its independent research function in the auditing profession. Prof.dr. H.M. Pras
Accounting Fund sponsor of Foundation for Auditing Research
08 Apr, 2016
The Dutch Accounting Fund and the Foundation for Auditing Research (FAR) have announced an agreement, in which the Accounting Fund serves as sponsor of FAR for a period of five years.
Dutch ‘Accountancy Lab’ established as Foundation for Auditing Research
17 Oct, 2015
The Dutch Foundation for Auditing Research (FAR), announced earlier as ‘Accountancy Lab’ is launched in Amsterdam on 20 October 2015. The audit profession is undergoing significant changes in respect of expectations and demands.