Reflections on the 2nd International FAR Conference 2017
27 July 2017

On 7 and 8 June the 2nd International FAR Conference took place which offered science and practice a platform to interact with each other on the topic ‘Controversies in Future Audit Quality – A multi-stakeholder perspective’. With a Minister of Finance issuing a challenge, a driven regulator, enthusiastic and renowned (inter)national scientists, a broad and engaged audience and a substantive debate on intriguing statements: the 2nd International FAR Conference brought the organisation and the participants what they had hoped for – and more. Please click on the photocollage and video for an impression of the conference.
The International FAR Conference was mentioned in a broad range of media. The Financial Newspaper [FD] has dedicated an article to FAR which outlines an interview with the managing directors, Olof Bik and Jan Bouwens, on the Auditing Profession finally opening their “black box”. For the full press release please click here (in Dutch only). wrote an article as well about the conference with the headline: The Public Interest is not always the first priority in an Audit (in Dutch only).
After the summer a special issue of the MAB [Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie] will be published with the conference proceedings (in English). For a short Dutch version of the FAR conference report please click here.