2017B01 - Does the private owner-managed firm audit market serve a different purpose? (Prof. dr. Suijs)
This study is designed to examine whether economic forces and regulations (institutions) affect audits differently depending on whether these audits are executed for Public interest entities, privately owned businesses or owner-managed businesses. The researchers want to start to ask the question whether regulations should be the same for the different types of firms.
Does the OMB environment call for different audits and auditing standards? What institutional factors (e.g., complexity, size, capital market structure, legal environment, audit risks, etc.) in the OMB environment may call for a specific audit approach and auditing standards for OMB audits?
Knowledge dissemination
Literature review: do private firm audits serve a different purpose? (English)
Podcast FARview #13 with Jeroen Suijs
Video Masterclass Jeroen Suijs on "Does the OMB environment require different auditing standards?"
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Project Number
2017B01 -
Research team
Prof. dr. Jeroen Suijs
Dr. Mahmoud Gad
Dr. Robin Litjens
Involved University
Erasmus University Rotterdam -
01/2018 - 03/2019