Article in Accountancy van Morgen: Handhaaf het sociale contract
Leveranciers en andere belanghebbenden rekenen erop dat bedrijven hun jaarrekeningen deponeren bij de Kamer van Koophandel. Vele ondernemingen laten deponering achterwege waardoor het onduidelijk is hoe verstandig het is met de betrokken bedrijven zaken te doen.
Tjibbe Bosman is part-time PhD researcher in auditing at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam. Furthermore, Tjibbe is the research program manager at the Foundation for Auditing Research. He holds a MSc and BSc degree in Accountancy of Nyenrode Business University. Before moving to academia, Tjibbe worked 10 years in international audit, accounting and capital market practice at a big-4 audit firm where he completed a secondment to Munich. Tjibbe is certified public accountant in the Netherlands and Germany. Tjibbe’s PhD research is about the institutional conditions that enable and drive audit quality. Tjibbe is interested in the (potential) role of self-selection between clients and auditors, the influence of audit firm culture on audit quality and the role of empowerment and delegated responsibilities in performing high quality audits.