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FAR Summary: What can we learn about culture from Jere's completed FAR Research?

The theme of the 2024 FAR conference is Audit Firm Culture and Audit Quality. The conference also marks the end of the 5-year appointment of Jere Francis as the FAR Research Chair. This milestone provides an excellent opportunity to look back at the accomplishments of Jere Francis’ research team, which did considerable work on topics related to audit firm culture. This concise publication contains the abstracts of the four completed working papers that were produced by Jere Francis and his team members:

• ‘Does Personality Relate to Job Performance of Partners and Managers?’
• ‘Audit Partner-Manager Dyadic Fit and Team Functioning.’
• ‘Partner-Manager Voice Modeling Behavior and the Effects of Mixed Messages on Audit Teams.’
• ‘It Takes Two to Make a Team Go Right: Effects of Dual Team Leaders’ Individualized Consideration and Initiating Structure on Team Efficacy, Performance, and Viability.’

The four abstracts are preceded by a retrospective written by Jere Francis, in which he evaluates his period as the first FAR Research Chair.

At the end of this booklet, also the links to Jere’s other FAR-publications are included. Of particular relevance to the culture theme is the practice note related to culture (‘Perspectives on Audit Firm Culture’), which concerns a still ongoing project. Jere provides some more information on the initial findings in his retrospective.

We hope you will enjoy reading this publication and, as always, we welcome your input and ideas!


Dr. Luc Quadackers
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